Recycling waste into a useful product for reuse

Waste to income

Search and development of interesting technologies for the processing of household waste

Demonstration of developments and modern technologies for the processing of household waste without polluting technologies.

 Hydrolysis in Salt Solution: An Innovative Approach to Waste Recycling


Waste recycling is one of the most pressing challenges of modern society. In the quest for sustainable and effective waste management methods, science and engineering continually develop new technologies. One such innovative approach is hydrolysis in salt solution. In this article, we will examine the principles of this technology and its potential in waste recycling.

Description of Hydrolysis in Salt Solution:

Hydrolysis in salt solution involves the process of decomposing organic materials using a salt solution under high temperatures and pressures. This process chemically breaks down waste, transforming it into various useful products.

Operating Principles:

1. Waste Preparation: Waste undergoes preliminary treatment, including sorting and removal of unwanted materials such as plastics, metals, and glass.

2. Reactor: The waste is placed in a specialized reactor, where it is mixed with a salt solution.

3. High Temperature and Pressure: The reactor is heated to high temperatures and subjected to pressure, facilitating the decomposition of organic waste components.

4. Chemical Process: Under the influence of heat and pressure, organic materials break down into simpler components, such as gases and liquids.

5. Processing of Obtained Products: The resulting gases and liquids can undergo further processing to obtain various products, such as biogas, fertilizers, or synthesized fuels.

Advantages of Hydrolysis in Salt Solution:

- Efficiency: Hydrolysis in salt solution achieves a high degree of decomposition of organic materials, reducing the volume of waste and minimizing environmental impact.

- Resource Recovery: The process allows for the recovery of valuable resources from waste, contributing to a more circular economy.

- Versatility: Hydrolysis in salt solution can handle a wide range of organic waste materials, making it a versatile technology for waste recycling.


Hydrolysis in salt solution presents a promising approach to waste recycling, offering efficient decomposition of organic waste and resource recovery. Further research and development in this field have the potential to advance waste management practices and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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